domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

This function usually uses jointly with the function If. He/she allows to be carried out instead of a several question. And he/she will only be carried out the argument located in the true part of the If in the moment that all the answers are true. It structures: And (he/she Asks 1; he/she asks 2; he/she asks 3;...) Example: In the cell A1, we will introduce the age and in A2 the person's stature measured in centimeters. In the cell A3 the text will appear it can happen" if the age is bigger than 16 years and it measures more than 150. In the case that some of the two conditions is not completed, the text will appear it cannot happen." =IF (AND (A1 > 16;B1 > 150); it can happen"; it cannot happen") he/she Observes that the whole function AND (...) it is written inside the first argument of the function If.

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